This volume comprises 17 articles on various aspects of Islamic Studies, brought together to celebrate the scholarly work of Professor A.H. Johns, which spans Islam of the medieval Middle East and Islam in Southeast Asia. The first part of the book contains 9 articles which deal with Islam as a scriptural religion, concerned to revere and interpret the Qur’ān, and promote the spread and doctrinal purity of Islam. Subjects included are Qur’anic exegesis, problems of translating the Qur’ān into Chinese, and analyses of the theological reasoning used by Muslim scholars.
The second part of the book contains 8 articles which deal with Islam in Southeast Asia, especially Javanese Islam and modern articulations of Islam inspired by Muḥammad ‘Abduh. Subjects dealt with include the Islamisation of the Javanese Court, and the impact of the journal al-Manār on religious discussion in the archipelago.
Contributions by: R. Israeli, Jutta Bluhm-Warn, David Burrell, Mike Carter, James Fox, Richard Frank, Anthony Johns, Clive Kessler, Nehemia Levtzion, Saumitra Mukherjee, Ian Proudfoot, Tony Reid, Merle Calvin Ricklefs, Peter Riddell