Building Your Star Program A step-by-step guide to the VoluntaryProtection Programs The demand for information on the VoluntaryProtection Programs (VPP) is rapidly expanding. Set up to promoteexcellence in safety and health management, this prestigiousgovernment program now boasts more than 400 participatingworksites, with gains ranging from increased productivity toreduction in workplace injury and insurance costs. Written by a VPPexpert and one of the original developers of the program at theOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this timely"how-to" book gives safety and health professionals all theinformation they need to get into the VPP as well as renew theirparticipation for years to come. The author clearly outlines thebenefits of the program, offers advice on how to win support for itfrom both management and labor, and presents a complete set oftools for building a successful star program--one that meets all ofthe VPP criteria. Special features include:
* Step-by-step instructions to the VPP application andpost-approval process
* A comprehensive "VPP Requirements Guide," containing requirementsfor OSHA and the Department of Energy (DOE) and an appendixdetailing state differences
* Quick, in-depth tests for assessing a worksite against the VPPrequirements
* Action checklists to help plan for onsite reviews
* Firsthand accounts by successful applicants in participatingworksites
* Interviews with individuals who review applications and evaluateworksites