The longest walk you can do in Britain, without doubling back on yourself, is Land's End to John O'Groats.
And so on a misty, drizzly and frankly uninspiring morning Robin Richards stepped off the bus at Land's End
with his boots blacked and his rucksack ready. It was day sixteen of his redundancy.
Robin Richards faced mid-life and redundancy by pulling on his rucksack and setting off to walk from Lands' End to John O'Groats. Le-Jog-ed is his unique story, a travelogue of hill walking, redundancy and humour.
The walk from Land's End to John O'Groats is iconic, and Robin uses the miles trekked to present his interesting, insightful and sensitive account that will appeal to all readers interested in this classic walk.
The subject matter of redundancy/early retirement and the trek itself is handled with a light touch and shot through with gentle humour.