Content Area Reading remains the market-leading text in content literacy and maintains the authors’ original objective–to offer an ambitious, coherent, and workable exploration of content literacy. Celebrating its 30th university, Vacca, Vacca, and new-to-this-edition co-author Mraz, have written this text to be an active learning tool, complete with real-world examples and research-based practices. Thoroughly updated, the text has been completely reorganized into two parts: Part 1, “Learners, Literacies, and Texts”, places the focus on the cultural, linguistic, and academic diversity of today’s learners; their personal and academic literacies, and the kinds of texts that are integral to their lives in and out of schools. Part 2, “Instructional Practices and Strategies”, contains a multitude of evidence-based instructional strategies waiting to be adapted to meet the conceptual demands inherent in disciplinary learning. Accessible and comprehensible, the text provides a foundation that can be applied across the disciplines, meeting the needs of all students.