Making sight reading easier and more effective. A progressive set of imaginative pieces to take students and teachers step by step through the technique.
'Don't LOOK at the Keys!' is a progressive series in three parts, teaching piano keyboard geography by touch, in an accessible, enjoyable way, making sight reading easier and more effective.
The pieces in Book 2 are all within an octave spread in each hand to demonstrate progress and inspire confidence following the five finger range in Book 1.
To get started there is one page of notes for teachers and students, followed by a varied selection of 14 pieces; titles such as 'It Only Took A Minuet', 'Hot Israeli Nights', the boogie woogie pieces 'Lazy' and 'Toe Tapper' as well as 'Flat Footed Flip Flop Waltz' - INSPIRATIONAL AND GREAT FUN!
Why should I buy this book?
It is the only book to practise pieces and give instruction to play piano by touch. It is not another sight reading practice book of which there are many good ones already on the market.
How does it do this?
Step by step it instructs and develops the skill and confidence to look at the music instead of the hands. Book 1 starts by encouraging students (and their teachers) to find middle C by FEELING for the groups of two and three black notes. This is followed by a plethora of imaginative, inspiring pieces to practise, develop and improve the skills. Book 2 builds on a knowledge of scales and arpeggios and when the student reaches the end of Book 3 there are two pieces to demonstrate the progress made by following the series.