For courses in Intermediate or 2nd year Russian.
Golosa is a two-volume, introductory Russian-language program that strikes a balance between communication and structure. It takes a contemporary approach to language learning by focusing on the development of competence in the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), as well as the expansion of cultural knowledge. Golosa is designed to help students reach the ACTFL Intermediate Range in speaking and Intermediate High in reading and listening. Each section in the text revolves around a particular topic and follows the same format: introduction of basic vocabulary, listening to introductory conversations, short dialogues with exercises and role play practice, practice in strategies for listening and reading, grammar study with practice in both oral and written form, and written workbook exercises. With its robust audio and video program on the World Wide Web, Golosa provides comprehensive explanations of Russian grammar along with the practice students need to build accuracy.