Special Edition Using Adobe Photoshop 6 provides in-depth answers to your Photoshop questions. Learn how to maximize the synergy of the many Adobe applications and get the most out of Photoshop while spending less time at the computer. Real-world tips and tricks make the book applicable to everyday tasks. ImageReady 3, a Web graphics creation and optimization package new to users who skipped the 5.5 upgrade, is also covered. Special Edition Using Adobe Photoshop 6 offers complete coverage of Photoshop 6. Advanced issues include color management, new tools and features, such as more robust handling of vector artwork (allowing for easier control of lines, text, and paths from other Adobe applications). Learn to use the context-sensitive options bar that gives you faster access to the controls for each tool or object and better control of presets, allowing for more customizability of brushes, styles, and patterns.