This new edition sets the stage for the twenty-first century by outlining a number of major trends, issues, and challenges for the leisure-service field. Many colleges and universities offer courses and seminars with such titles as “Trends,” “Issues,” “Special Topics,” or “Problems.”Leisure in a Changing America, Second Edition, provides the in-depth coverage these courses require while still providing the comprehensive picture of the role of recreation and leisure in American culture needed for a survey course.
This edition has drastically expanded the scope of the original book. It points sharply toward the social, economic, cultural, and other trends that have accelerated during the last decade and seem certain to be more pronounced in the years ahead. It covers the predictions of study and planning groups involving such issues as changing age-group patterns, family life, work and leisure changes, the influence of technology, the trend toward public/private partnerships, environmental needs, and urban/suburban developments. This book covers a wide range of societal developments affecting leisure.