CD / Box Set
1. The Ghetto Child
2. Shrine
3. Tune In/turn Off/care Less
4. The Young Men Have Guns
5. The Future Rising
6. Make It On Down
7. Walkin' Around
8. New Level of Threat
1. Prophezeien
2. Feierlichkeit
3. Umladen
4. Zivil
5. Observatorium
6. Autoschlepp
1. Gun Step Funeral Charge
2. When the Light Goes Down
3. C/ommanders On the Ground
4. Inclement Weather
5. Reinforcements
6. Shore Up the Defencers
7. Those Officers
8. Exactly Where You Are
9. Zoom in Closer
10. Possible Action in the Future
11. Targeted Arrests
12. Uprising
13. We Here About Democracy