Lessing yearbook xxxviii, 2008/2009
The Lessing Yearbook, the official publication of the Lessing Society, is a valuable source of information on German culture, literature, and thought of the eighteenth century. Lessing Yearbook XXXVIII (2008/2009) offers interested readers six articles on Lessing and his works-including the first-time publication of an eighteenth-century portrait of the writer and an important analysis of Karl Vietor's tribute to Lessing. Other articles feature Gottsched, Moritz and an important evaluation of `Ein Weltmann aus Deutschland' by Karl Guthke. Richard E. Schade, signs off with personal musings on his long-term involvement with Lessing. Contributors: Wolfgang Albrecht, Andreas Beck, Sabine Durchholz, Hans Carl Finsen, Susan E. Gustafson, Karl S. Guthke, Carsta Off, Ulrich Profitlich, Norbert Puszkar, Richard E. Schade, David L. Smith, J.M van der Laan, Carsten Zelle.