This fundamentals paperback text presents the unifying theme of physical and psychological sexual health while encouraging students to think critically and make healthy decisions about their own sexual attitudes.
By combining the introductory and research methods chapters and the two chapters on sexually transmitted diseases, this briefer version contains two fewer chapters than the comprehensive McAnulty/Burnette text. In addition, a 15-question review test has been added to the end of each chapter.
The primary goal of this text is to promote sexual health and help students understand and make healthy decisions within a framework that integrates physiological, psychological, and social aspects of sexuality. McAnulty and Burnette take a scholarly, research-oriented approach, but present material within a “friendly advisor” framework and writing style, highlighting health issues and diversity. Throughout the text, students are repeatedly challenged to critically analyze and apply information to their own lives in an effort to make the readings relevant and, therefore, easier to learn and retain.