CD / Album
Spoken Word
1. The Good Morrow
2. Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star
3. The Sun Rising
4. The Canonisation
5. The Triple Fool
6. Song: Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go
7. The Legacie
8. A Feaver
9. The Anniversary
10. The Flea
11. The Curse
12. A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy's Day, Being the Shortest Day
13. The Apparition
14. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
15. The Extasie
16. The Funerall
17. The Relic
18. Elegy I: A Jealosie
19. Elegy VIII: The Comparison
20. Elegy VII: Natures Lay Ideot
21. The First Alteration, the First Grudging of the Sicknesse
22. The Physician Is Afraid
23. From the Bells of the Church Adjoyning, I Am Daily Remembered of My Burial in the Funeralls of Others
24. Now, This Bell Tolling Softly for Another, Saies to Me, Thou Must Die
25. The Bells Ring Out, and Tells Me in Him That I Am Indeed
26. It Is Not Enough to Hear Sermons
27. We Are All Conceived in Close Prison
28. When I Look Upon God
29. Our God Is Not Out of Breath
30. When We Consider With a Religious Seriousness
31. That God Should Let My Soul Fall Out of His Hand
32. Alas, They, We, Men of This World
33. The Lord Then, the Son of God