The Royal Horticultural Society Address Book features floras from the collection of the world famous Lindley Libraries. A flora is an account of the plants of a given country or district. The earliest floras were little more than lists, but once botanists started exploring foreign countries and describing unfamiliar plants, illustrated floras began to appear. Over the past three centuries, many of the best portraits of plants have been published in floras, and many of the greatest botanical artists have been employed in illustrating them. This address book draws on the work of artists like Ferdinand Bauer and Pieter van Koowenhoorn, as well as figures less familiar today, and includes plants selected from England, Greece, Portugal, the Himalayas, and Australia. The illustrations range in date from the second half of the eighteenth century to the nineteenth century. The address book has a storage pocket, a stepped tabbed index, ribbon marker and is illustrated in colour throughout. A companion diary is also available.