Regardless of your age, the depletion of female hormones is sometimes inevitable. Now you have an option. Whether you're a young woman mindful of the importance of prevention or a woman contending with menopausal changes, you can greatly revitalise your body, your mind, and your sense of self by following the simple, proven steps outlined in this quick-results natural hormone replacement programme. NATURAL HORMONE BALANCE FOR WOMEN shows you the difference between chemical hormone substitues and natural replacements; the benefits of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, melatonin, and growth hormones; the advantages of various creams and gels; and much more. Dr Uzzi Reiss explains in concise, step-by-step terms how to achieve: Healthier and more youthful skin * Stabilisation of weight and more muscle definition * More energy, enhanced sexuality, and better sleep * PMS and menopause symptoms reduced or eliminated * Balanced moods, better memory, and less anxiety.