Becoming earth is about how we can write and tell stories in a way that allows us to collaborate and be stewards and partners of the (natural) world—our earth—rather than dominators of it. That is what this assemblage is about: about trying to take seriously the minor politics of sensing, experimenting with questions of attending and attuning to difference, contestation, nomadism, relationality, and permeability in sensing cultivating muchness, newness, communities of acceptance and decision making. Going beyond the binaries, dualisms, instrumentalist criteria, etc., and supplying third space conceptions of agency not tied to human action alone, but rather examining human and more-than human relational assemblages of affecting and being affected. The tasks for educators becoming not merely people who pass on traditions, institutions, systems and/or structures, but prepare for future contingent events ultimately creates vital pedagogies of many prospects in our classrooms and exceeds forms of contracts between generations. These are embodied ecologies and/or enacting ecologies in practice showing the practical and political strength of new materialisms and presenting its potential and usefulness to simultaneously work and analyse local and global political strategies and sustainability. Making virtuality productive as a form of life: our wonderings are thus always stronger than our assertions. The sometimes fierce stories in this book might light some paths.