In The Constitution vs. The Patriot Act, we examine how drift nets, databases, profiling, and the general disruptions in the flow of power directly affect an individual. Do you know the difference between criminal damage and collateral damage? Someone is held accountable for criminal damages, while collateral damage is dismissed as "wrong place, wrong time." Lawmakers and law enforcement officials are held accountable for damages, when civil liberties are defended. When accountability is removed, innocent people are placed at risk. What about the difference between a civil right and a civil liberty? A civil right is viewed by the government as a positive, while a civil liberty is viewed as a negative. And-the government says what is negative. Did you know that profiling goes beyond skin color? It may include, but is not limited to: books, music, religion, clothing, peer groups, hobbies, tax bracket, etc. What does your choice in reading material say about you? Examine the differences between The Constitution and The Patriot Act. Make a side-by-side comparison, and decide for yourself.