Fifty Poems Fifty was first published in 1970.In this, the seventh volume of his poetry to be published, Reed Whittemore presents fifty poems, all making their first appearance in book form here.Commenting on this collection, John Malcolm Brinnin writes: “Whittemore has his own distinctive voice, his own spare, artfully simple way with a poem, and a grimly merry (or merrily grim) brand of wit that keeps a reader in a state of bemused expectation. His nonsense makes chilling good sense; and his poems inspired by affections are straightforward, touching, and without a twinge of sentimentality.A poet, critic, and editor, Mr. Whittemore was given outstanding recognition in 1969 when he received a major literary award from the National Council on the Arts. In presenting the award the council cited his “lifelong contribution to American letters.”The University of Minnesota Press has published two other collections of Reed Whittemore’s poetry, Poems, New and Selected and An American Takes a Walk.