The 1,150 pages contain more information than any other comparable book. It is not a glossary or dictionary or review because all concepts are explained, not just defined or mentioned.Covers the latest developments, usually missed in textbooks and monographs.The broad range of modern genetics, of cell and molecular biology, biometry, etc. are included without glossing over the classical foundations.The hundreds of simple and clear illustrations are vey useful for classroom purposes because they can be drawn on the blackboard or projected on a screen without taking much time to make the crucial points.The cross-references among the entries tie the contents into an extremely useful comprehensive textbook.The concise style leads the reader to the point without verbiage.The etymology of the terms is explained.The text is not intimidating and it is very easy to read because all the terms are explained within the book. Most of the biometrical procedures are presented by worked-out examples in a plain form, rarely or not found at all in other books.It effectively reaches out to non-geneticists without compromising high scientific standards. Usually the most essential features of a concept are presented at the beginning of the entry, and the reader can go as far as she/he feels needed about the logic.The WEB and e-mail addresses of databases and other sources of detailed information are very helpful.A well selected list of about 1000 references, published mainly in the last couple of years, completes the volume.The moderate price makes it a best buy, and an excellent choice to own for students, teachers, scientists, physicians, lawyers and all educated persons who cannot afford an entire library yet wish to be well informed.