The essence of 'ayni' is sacred reciprocity. Ayni emerges out of a universal perspective in which importance is placed on the relational flow of energy as a process of establishing and maintaining balance. Ayni can be seen as a code of conduct - a sacred agreement to engage in a balanced exchange between self and other. What is given may not be anywhere near as important as how it is given. In ayni, it is the heart that counts. Ayni can be established among people, between humans and all other beings, and between all beings and the animate Cosmos. "Sacred Reciprocity: Courting the Beloved in Everyday Life" is a poetic reflection of Jamie K. Reaser's daily practice of embodying anyi as a core life principle. Each poem arises out of a conversation between her soul and something greater than her Self. She listens, processes, replies, and begins listening again. In this book, the poems themselves represent a 'give back' to Nature and the greater Cosmos for their inspiration, teachings, and life force.