Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video, Sixth Edition is the definitive book on producing and directing short films for the serious film student or beginning filmmaker. Its unique two-fold approach looks at filmmaking from the perspectives of both the producer and director and clearly explains how their separate roles must work together to create a successful short film or video. Through extensive examples from award-winning shorts and insightful interviews, you will learn about common challenges these filmmakers encountered during each step of the filmmaking process—from preproduction to production, postproduction, and distribution—and the techniques they used to overcome them.
The Sixth Edition has been carefully updated to include:
• New, in-depth case studies of esteemed short films
• Fresh interviews with the filmmakers integrated alongside the text, as well as new images and behind-the-scenes coverage of production processes
• Completely revamped sections on cameras, distribution, and exhibition
• A new section on technologies related to VR and AR
• Expanded coverage on health and safety when filming
Packed full of advice and tips on the role of both director and producer throughout the entire process, this is an essential resource for anyone wanting success on their short film.
Electronic support material containing useful forms and information on distributors, grants and financing sources, film and video festivals, film schools, internet sources for short works, and professional associations is available for download.