This book investigates the high prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among African immigrants across the world, addressing unique cultural contexts, acculturative stress, and identity which shapes their experiences. The author examines how migration-related stress, cultural norms, and systemic challenges intersect to influence intimate partner violence dynamics uniquely within the African diaspora. The book utilizes three theoretical frameworks to investigate this question: Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory; John Berry’s acculturation stress theory; and Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality theory. This book situates the experiences of this unique immigrant population in the literature on IPV. It also provides global context by situating African diaspora experiences within broader discussions of intimate partner violence across immigrant populations. The author highlights the resilience and coping mechanisms of African IPV survivors and offers culturally sensitive strategies for prevention and intervention pathways to empowerment and healing.