The number of billion-dollar disasters attributable to weather and climate is unprecedented. Climate scientists have concluded that there is a detectable influence of climate change on the occurrence and severity of extreme weather events such as heat waves, cold waves, heavy precipitation, and drought.
Students of severe weather in this new century are in a unique position to apply what they have learned immediately to weather events occurring near home, across the country, or around the world.
Severe & Hazardous Weather: An Introduction to High Impact Meteorology provides current, relevant, and scientifically accurate discussions of all types of hazardous weather. The NEW 5th edition of Severe & Hazardous Weather has been updated to reflect new scientific findings as well as recent major weather events, including floods, drought, and heat waves. The discussion of the Coriolis force has undergone a thorough revision to provide a clearer yet rigorous explanation of one of the more challenging concepts in meteorology.
Severe & Hazardous Weather:
includes weather maps, radar and satellite imagery, and upper air charts to explain and describe all types of hazardous weather events.
features "Check your Understanding" questions after major topic sections which encourage the reader to assess their knowledge of the most recently presented material. "Test your Understanding" questions that provide a thorough review of the contents of each chapter. "Test Your Problem-Solving Skills" sections are for more advanced students.
presents additional material under headings such as "Extreme event," "Storms and society," and "Advanced topic."
features excellent instructor resources: a comprehensive Instructor's Guide including lesson plans, tips for teaching, and answers to all questions in the book and test bank, as well as online resources including an electronic test bank as well as all figures and tables in PowerPoint format.
the text is supplemented by a workbook of active learning exercises that can be used in class or as homework exercises to help students understand the material in each chapter.