book presents the challenges inherent in the paradigm shift of network systems
from static to highly dynamic distributed systems – it proposes solutions that
the symbiotic nature of biological systems can provide into altering networking
systems to adapt to these changes. The author discuss how biological systems –
which have the inherent capabilities of evolving, self-organizing,
self-repairing and flourishing with time – are inspiring researchers to take
opportunities from the biology domain and map them with the problems faced in
network domain. The book revolves around the central idea of bio-inspired
systems -- it begins by exploring why biology and computer network research are
such a natural match. This is followed by presenting a broad overview of
biologically inspired research in network systems -- it is classified by the
biological field that inspired each topic and by the area of networking in
which that topic lies. Each case elucidates how biological concepts have
been most successfully applied in various domains. Nevertheless, it also
presents a case study discussing the security aspects of wireless sensor
networks and how biological solution stand out in comparison to optimized
solutions. Furthermore, it also discusses novel biological solutions for
solving problems in diverse engineering domains such as mechanical, electrical,
civil, aerospace, energy and agriculture. The readers will not only get proper
understanding of the bio inspired systems but also better insight for
developing novel bio inspired solutions.