This comprehensive text provides readers with an in-depth examination of posterior uveitis, and expert instruction on diagnosis, imaging techniques and treatments that are being reshaped by advancements in the field.
Posterior Uveitis: Advances in Imaging and Treatment focuses on the ocular imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of various uveitis and intraocular inflammation entities resulting from infectious and non-infectious etiologies. Each topic is succinctly presented by experts in the field of intraocular inflammation and ocular imaging and starts with salient clinical features, differential diagnosis and specific treatment, and concludes with in-depth and relevant clinical imaging findings. The book opens by touring a multitude of infectious and non-infectious uveitidies and explores how advances are aiding our diagnosis and treatment. The second half will delve into established and emerging therapeutics, including advances in drug delivery. Evolving treatments for recalcitrant uveitis are discussed, including the newer biological agents, and each chapter includes ample illustrations and several tables for readers to comprehend with ease the inflammatory disorders and to interpret the imaging changes in various uveitis entities.