This insightful and inspiring book by C.H. Hanumantha Rao portrays the socioeconomic situation and participation of the author in the major events since the mid-1940s focusing on the ideological struggle experienced by him, and on development policies and strategies. The changes in the author’s outlook from a Marxist in his student days to a Nehruvian have been marked by serious introspections in the light of contending ideological positions. He discusses issues he faced as member, Planning Commission, under the leadership of Prime Ministers Mrs Indira Gandhi and Shri Rajiv Gandhi, relating to economic planning and policies in India in the light of the Nehruvian perspective of a mixed economy with socialist orientation within a democratic set-up where private sector and markets have a signi-ficant place. Globalisation and economic reforms in India in the wake of the breakdown of centralised planning in the former socialist countries and the relevance of Nehruvian model for evolving a balanced approach to reforms by addressing the problems of poverty and inequality are discussed in detail. It also includes his essays on ‘inclusive growth’ written over the last three years.
An informed memoir by one of the most respected and eminent economist of modern India, the book would be of interest to university teachers, policy makers, legislators, students as well as general readers.