Life Lessons: From Louie Motherball, Margaret Mead and the Good News Guy; Near Mrs and Direct Hits of an Eccentric Thousand-Aire
"My life is a series of disasters punctuated with miracles."
He is not the world's richest man, nor the most famous, but this man, who created the first e-commerce business, discovered the secrets to real happiness in Life Lessons from disasters, pitfalls and from some of the great iconic teachers of the 20th century. Randall's tale is a saga of invention, entrepreneurship, sudden sharp turns and jumping off a cliff with no parachute; an exploration of family lineage and ancestor's heritage that give a picture of one life in the era when personal computers and the Internet were being born. "Randall is Excellent. Take Him!" - Margaret Mead"A Remarkable Trip" - Albert Hoffmann"Hot Media is the Message" - Marshall McLuhan "Randall is all about Synergy" R. Buckminister Fuller "The Legendary Boston Computer Exchange..." Wired Magazine