Demons. Yeshua Star is deeply ensconced in a level of the world most people do not even know exists, let alone recognize. Her world is one of demons, dream stalkers and ancient immortals who were once worshipped as gods but now co-exist with the rest of society-like Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams who now runs the local opium den. Angels. The cynical but sassy Yeshua Star is an unofficial contractor for the Church, handling those tasks that go hand in hand with a public policy of disavowal. When the angels come knocking on Yeshua's door, claiming she is an incarnated angel, she and her self-appointed sidekick Chaz find themselves pulled into one of the toughest situations they have ever had to face. Choices. Armageddon is looming on the horizon, with one faction of the angels preparing to set the Beast free from the pit of the Abyss. Using all of the knowledge they can piece together from the various groups and their hidden agendas, Yeshua has to make a major decision that will decide the fate of humanity-does she stop it-or let it happen?