NIS+ (Network Information Service Plus...-) is a new network information service that is part of SunSoft's Open Network Computing Plus (ONC+...-) suite of products - which is installed on over 3.1 million nodes worldwide. NIS+ is available on Solaris...-2.x - whether Intel...--or SPARC...-- based, and is portable to other operating systems that support ONC RPC or ONC+ transport- independent RPC (TI-RPC...-). This is THE authoritative guide to administering NIS+. KEY TOPICS: Compares NIS+ to DNS and NIS; explains the structure of NIS+ - what it has to offer and how it is put together; provides guidelines for making a transition from NIS to NIS+ and for setting up NIS+ from scratch; presents step-by-step instructions for setting up the components of an NIS+ namespace, from the root domain to individual clients; describes the NIS+ commands (syntax and details) in terms of administration categories; and contains Pre-Setup Worksheets, a list of NIS+ Scripts Error Messages, and a discussion of the NIS+ API. MARKET: For system and network administrators, and for MIS managers (who need to determine whether NIS+ offers what they need).