The Illuminated Window is a unique journey through stained-glass installations that spans both time and place. Diverse in technique and style, these windows speak for the communities that created them. From the twelfth to the twenty-first century, we find in the windows stories of conflict, commemoration, devotion and celebration. Virginia Chieffo Raguin is our guide through the cathedrals of Chartres, Canterbury and Cologne, and takes us from Paris's Sainte-Chapelle to Swiss guildhalls, Iran's Pink Mosque, Tiffany's chapel for the World Exposition, Frank Lloyd Wright's houses and more. As she reveals, the art of stained glass relies on not only a single maker, but the relationship between the physical site, the patron's aims, the work's legibility for the spectator and the prevailing style of the era. This is a fascinating and beautifully illustrated volume for anyone interested in stained-glass works.