Lifelong Learning Today is the result of cooperation between the scientists of the University of Ljubljana and the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. The aim of the authors and editors was not to create a compendium of knowledge about the current state of the development of education in the field of lifelong learning. The creation of a publication that would present a comprehensive, "photographic" image of the state of research and practices in the field of lifelong learning would be so laborious and long-term that it would not keep up with the constant changes which appear in reality. The authors decided to present a compilation of examples illustrating areas worth considering, contexts and practices, as well as certain problems and dilemmas.
The image of the reality outlined in this book is very selective, but "spatial" to such an extent that it enables for the grasping of its size and dynamism of development. It encompasses not only significant issues from the standpoint of economy in the scope of key competences, but also concepts related to the social, cultural, scientific, artistic and common schooling, leading to more comprehensive personal development and to raising the quality of life.