The New Earth is the happy ending predicted by spiritual mystics for thousands of years. Nirvana, Heaven, Shambhala, Gaia, and Third Temple are some of the names, but the name is irrelevant. It’s a higher vibrational dimension without fear, binarism, and violence. Peace, collaboration, and a clean planet are the norms. Spiritual Nutrition provides tools to bring the New Earth to us smoothly. The book enables readers to understand and feel what’s going on and helps them make changes to themselves to help. It presents strategies and steps to clean the body, mind, and spirit; lift the vibration; and spread loving light as an antidote for fear and hate. It also questions the meaning of reality. The book relies on an energy vibration context for its argument. Higher vibrations are peaceful, kind, and smooth, the kind we need to move to the New Earth. Lower vibrations are angry, destructive, and disempowering--the kind that holds us in a world of fear and hate. The book relies on vibrational lifting as the goal and prescribes a path of a plant-based diet, meditation, yoga, thoughtfulness, and kindness to self and others.