The Clarion Choir and its Artistic Leader Steven Fox make their Pentatone debut with a recording of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s choral masterpiece, the All-Night Vigil, demonstrating their exceptional proficiency in Russian repertoire. The All-Night Vigil is a nocturnal hymn that gradually moves towards daybreak, symbolizing the Resurrection of Christ. This message of light and hope emanating from the darkness is both universal and very topical in the troubled world we find ourselves in. On this recording, many of the movements are preceded by the original Kiev and Znameny chants on which Rachmaninoff based his composition, adding another layer to this mesmerizing piece.
Steven Fox is the Artistic Leader of the New York-based Clarion Choir since 2006. Generally considered as one of the most exceptional US choirs, their recordings of Russian choral repertoire have received multiple Grammy nominations.
"Clarion-kuorolla on tarpeelliset bassoresurssit sekä USA:ssa asuvan asiantuntija Vladimir Morosanin tuki takanaan. 32-henkinen kuoro yltää massiivisiin huippuihin, mutta myös läpikuultavaan henkevyyteen. Fox on kokenut ortodoksisen musiikin tulkki ja johtanut Naxos-merkille monia harvinaisuuksia. Pentatonen tuotannon tukemana hän harppaa kuoroineen uudelle tasolle, joka tekee oikeutta Rahmaninovin eeppiselle näkemykselle." - Antti Häyrynen, Rondo 3/2023