The Ba'th Party established its regime in Syria following the coup d'etat of March 8, 1963. During the period 1963-66, Syria underwent significant social and political changes while the nature of the Ba'th party itself was deeply altered. This book establishes the chronology of the period, identifies the issues and the acting forces that shaped it, and evaluates the significance of these changes and developments.Particular emphasis is placed on the unique relationship between the leaders of the Syrian army and the Ba'th party organization, and the role played in Syrian politics by sectarian loyalties and tensions. Syria's complex relationship with Egypt and President Nasser and the dichotomy of the Ba'th regime and the Syrian population are covered in detail.The reader is presented with several useful appendixes*unobtainable elsewhere: lists of Syrian cabinets, Ba'th party congresses, National and Regional Commands, Ba'th and Syrian personalities, and the first English translation of a major Ba'thi ideological text.