The English of Tourism is a collection of essays on the English specific to the Tourism Industry. The approach is a linguistic one: the different aspects of the English used in the field of tourism (tourism industry, types of tourism, travel agencies, Internet sites of travel agencies, eco-tourism, travel) and in tourism-related fields (accommodation, advertising, entertainment, food services, hospitality, transportation) are analysed from a morphological (combination, derivation), syntactical (nominal phrases, verbal phrases), lexical and lexicographical, semantic (homonymy, semantic fields, synonymy, terminology), pragmatic (academic discourse, idiom, metaphor), etymological (etymon, Latin heritage), and contrastive (Croatian–Romanian, English–Croatian, English–Romanian, French–English, Romanian–English) points of view.This book will appeal to people employed in industries including hotels, transportation, events, food and beverage, parks and recreation, as well as to professors, researchers, students, and translators from Croatian-, English-, French-, and Romanian-speaking countries, active in their own countries or abroad.The types of academic readership it will appeal to include: academic teaching staff, researchers and students in the field of tourism, of tourism-related fields – accommodation, advertising, entertainment, food services, hospitality, and transportation – and of languages.