Be careful what you wish for, if Brendan Gallagher had heeded the old maxim, then his life wouldn't have changed, he wouldn't have met the love of his life and he certainly wouldn't have found spiritual enlightenment! Fortunately, he didn't adhere to it and the path of his life was irrevocably altered forever. Australia's bushland has always purported to be a magical and spiritual place, and just how much so Brendan was about to discover, stumbling upon just such mystical spot he is first transported back to 1957 and in doing so meets Rebecca, the girl he is to marry. She believes him when he says he has come from the future and is willing to follow him back there. It soon becomes apparent that Brendan is no ordinary young man and he is destined to try and save the world 'one soul at a time' after having visions of the future. He can only try and spread the message of what is going to pass and help those souls who want to be helped.