Labour History: a Journal of Labour and Social History is published on behalf of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History.
The journal, which has been appearing twice yearly since 1962, is the premier outlet for refereed, scholarly articles in the fields of social and labour history in Australasia, examining issues such as labour politics, trade unions, management labour practices, co-operatives, gender and ethnicity. The interdisciplinary nature of labour history, and its acceptance of less traditional sources, including folklore and oral testimony, make it a fascinating field, alive to past and present social justice issues.
As well as scholarly articles, Labour History also publishes essays, reviews, and memoirs that reflect the involvement of labour historians in the making of history.
A special issue about occupational health and safety (OHS), the publication of Labour History 119 coincides with the 50th anniversary of a disaster on the site of the construction of Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge.
Labour History is indexed in Cabell's Whitelist and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).