Save time - and maybe a life - with The Essential Pocket Book of Emergency Chemical Management. This detailed, no-nonsense guide contains all the information first responders need to quickly and effectively manage a chemical spill or leak. It efficiently presents information in an easy-to-use table format throughout two sections. The first section lists more than 600 chemicals and chemical compounds and their specifications as follows:
The common chemical name.
The DOT number - a standardized number issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation and posted on the outside of the carrier, identifying the cargo.
CAS number - the substance's Chemical Abstract Services number, which accurately identifies a substance when several pseudonyms are present.
Form - a brief description of the substance's appearance.
NFPA code - a three-digit code representing health, flammability and reactivity hazards associated with the substance as issued by the National Fire Protection Association.
Vapor pressure - a relative ranking of how much vapor will be given off at room temperature.
Water solubility - an indication of how soluble the substance is in water.
PPE (Proper Protective Equipment) - a listing of the level of protection recommended for a moderate-size spill.
Incompatibilities - a listing of those classes of chemical compounds that may react with the listed substance.
Spill - recommended procedures for cleaning up spills.
Decon - recommended procedures to decontaminate spill areas.
Fire - recommended fire fighting agents and methods.
First Aid - health issues important to first responders.
Special - important issues associated with the specific chemical.
The second section of this valuable book contains isolation distances and reporting information for each chemical. It is organized as follows: