Environmental Analytical Chemistry investigates how to use modern scientific theory and advanced experimental techniques to identify and determine the types, components, amounts, and chemical forms of substances in the environment, including both naturally occurring chemicals and anthropogenic contaminants. The book covers the newest developments of environmental analytical chemistry, including discussions of pretreatment techniques of environmental samples, chemical species and speciation analysis, atmospheric pollutants analysis, water pollutants analysis, soil pollutants analysis, sensing techniques for environmental pollutants and on-site rapid emergency analytical technology for environmental emergencies.
The book will be of use to researchers and technical personnel in the fields of environmental science, environmental chemistry, environmental monitoring, and analytical chemistry.
- Includes the newest developments in environmental analytical chemistry
- Includes a variety of topics, not only fundamentals of analytical chemistry, but also practical applications in various environmental samples from atmospheric, water, and soil environments
- Covers on-site, rapid emergency analytical technology for environmental emergencies, which is unique and not seen in most other books