This compilation analyzes the terror attacks on 26/11 in Mumbai from various angles, based on the understanding that deeper issues are hidden behind every such tragedy. It discusses terrorism, law, Indo-Pak relations, the indigenous causes of terrorism in India, the role of the state, the pattern of investigations so far, the prevalent laws, the response of civic society, the role of the media, the unsolved puzzles and the need for a deeper inquiry into the incident. Most of the chapters have been written in the immediate aftermath of the incident and bear the imprint of the pain and anguish it caused.
With a focus on 26/11, the chapters discuss the entire phenomenon of terrorism. The broad contours of the analysis include the killing of non-combatants, the political motive or the statement behind such killings, and the secret planning of such attacks where the actors are even willing or keen to lay down their lives for bringing about such devastation. The book will be of great interest to the public at large and also to policy makers.