The present set of studies by Professor Pulleyblank complements those gathered in Essays on Tang and pre-Tang China. The central concern here is the interaction between China and the non-Chinese peoples around it, in particular those of Central Asia. The volume opens with several articles contributing to the dating of events as far west of China as Afghanistan and India based on more accurately dated Chinese historical sources. Two studies deal with the prehistory of the Turks, while others are concerned with indigenous non-Chinese peoples that lived within the heartland of China during the formative years of Chinese civilization and the way in which they were absorbed into that civilization. The concluding series of papers, published between 1966 and 1999, addresses the controversial question of the coming of horsemen belonging to the Far Eastern Tocharian branch of Indo-European to Xinjiang (Eastern Turkestan) at the beginning of the second millennium BCE and their possible influence on the origins of the Chinese bronze age.