In today's increasingly complex workplace, many employers rely on technicians to perform jobs that other professionals once handled. In the fields of medicine, manufacturing, education, and law, technicians and paraprofessionals have become vital parts of the labor force. These careers, popular for their good pay and relatively short training cycles, are among some of the most dynamic in today's job market. This fully revised and updated two-volume set covers more than 110 technician careers and features interviews with professionals already at work in the field. Each of the lively and engaging articles contains an in-depth look at a particular tech career. New and revised coverage includes: brand-new coverage of careers in education, drafting, and orthotics; photographs of professionals at work; new and revised sidebars and bibliographies; DOT and NOC (Canada) classification numbers for all careers, in addition to GOE and O*NET-SOC numbers. Jobs covered include: Avionics Technicians; Computer Programmers; Food Technologists; Petroleum Technicians; Robotics Technicians; and Veterinary Technicians.