Combining studio, classroom, library, gallery and stage, The Possible offered a new model of museum exhibition. Rather than presenting existing artworks, artist/curator David Wilson hosted over 100 artists and collectives--with “artist” understood in the broadest sense. The BAM/PFA galleries were transformed into studios that were used by both guest artists and museum visitors. The exhibition made itself during its four-month run, as works created in the studios were exhibited in an adjacent gallery. The catalogue is conceived in a similar vein, as one of the experiments of The Possible created by guest artists Luke Fischbeck and Lauren Mackler of Public Fiction, a Los Angeles–based project space and journal. Created partially onsite, it is inspired by the exhibition’s spirit of improvisation and collaboration. It gathers essays, photographic documentation and printed artifacts generated in the exhibition itself.
Foreword by: Lawrence Rinder
Text by: Luke Fischbeck, Lauren Mackler, Lawrence Rinder, David Wilson