Volume 3 contains 3,000 new words and meanings from around the English-speaking world, including the UK (council tax, Estuary English), North America (affluential, bully pulpit, road-kill), the Caribbean (merino, zouk), Australia (amphometer, beardie), New Zealand (Labour weekend, mokopuna), India (garam masala), the Pacific (arjun), and South Africa (kalkoentjie, Malanite).
Subjects covered include politics (linkage, Citizen's Charter), education (National Curriculum), cookery (ciabatta, Quorn), broadcasting (bi-media), literary criticism (post-structuralism), music (bhangra, swingbeat, techno), and sport (basho, clean and jerk, matchup). This volume also features a higher number of entries in scientific fields, including medicine (lentivirus), genetics (antisense), ecology (biodiversity), astronomy (dark matter), chemistry (Orimulsion), and computing (freeware, cyberspace).
Please note, this volume is printed with a board cover, and does not include a dust jacket.
General editor: John Simpson