Jody Solomon grows up a recluse, quietly living between two opposing worlds. In one, order reigns and all things align in their proper place. In the other, things seem jumbled, the pieces not wanting to fit where they are intended to go. And throughout his lifetime, Jody has silently endured the torment of existing in the two conflicting worlds. When Jody witnesses a horrific automobile accident on a lonely country road, he perceives the bloody event as a Divine intervention directing him toward a mission he has been chosen to undertake. Later, during a midnight visit to St. Michael's Church, Jody kneels in the darkness before a looming marble statue of the crucifixion, and here, the mission is further revealed to him. Opposing worlds will unite in a common purpose. A path once trodden will be walked again. A wrong will be righted. An innocent victim will be saved. Jody embraces his destiny, willing to accept the price he, and others, will have to pay to complete this mission.