Pered Vami fundamentalnyj trud po psikhologii prinjatija reshenij. Ssylki na otdelnye raboty etikh avtorov dostatochno chasto vstrechajutsja v akademicheskoj literature, no polnyj sbornik etikh statej na russkom jazyke opublikovan vpervye. Vykhod etoj knigi, bezuslovno, vazhnoe sobytie dlja spetsialistov v oblasti upravlenija, strategicheskogo planirovanija, prinjatija reshenij, povedenija potrebitelej i t.d. Kniga predstavljaet interes dlja spetsialistov v oblasti menedzhmenta, ekonomiki, psikhologii, kak v teorii, tak i v praktike, kotorye imejut delo s takoj slozhnoj i interesnoj oblastju chelovecheskoj dejatelnosti, kak prinjatie reshenij. You can see a fundamental work on psychology of decision-making. The references to separate works of these authors can be found often enough in the academic literature, but the complete volume of these articles has been published in Russian for the first time. The issue of this book is undoubtedly an important event for the experts in the field of management,...