Guy Carson is a scientist at GeneDyne, one of the world's foremost biotechnology companies. When he is transferred to Mount Dragon, GeneDyne's elite desert laboratory, his good fortune seems assured. He is excited at the prospect of working with the most brilliant scientists in the country on a permanent cure for a common, but dangerous, disease. The profits for GeneDyne will be enormous, and the discovery promises a Nobel Prize for the Mount Dragon team. But something very strange is happening at Mount Dragon. For genetic engineering has its dark side... and the hidden laboratory harbors a ghastly secret that puts the entire world at horrifying risk. And when Guy Carson comes to this fearsome realization, it may already be too late... Mount Dragon is a riveting portrayal of the new technology of genetic engineering. Not since the splitting of the atom has a discovery offered so much promise, or created so much danger, for the human race. The risks are breathtakingly real, and what happens in Mount Dragon is not only possible, but frighteningly plausible.