The sixth edition continues to lead the way in software engineering. A new Part 4 on Web Engineering presents a complete engineering approach for the analysis, design, and testing of Web Applications, increasingly important for today's students. Additionally, the UML coverage has been enhanced and signficantly increased in this new edition.
The pedagogy has also been improved in the new edition to include sidebars. They provide information on relevant software tools, specific work flow for specific kinds of projects, and additional information on various topics. Additionally, Pressman provides a running case study called "Safe Home" throughout the book, which provides the application of software engineering to an industry project.
The ancillary material for the book includes an expansion of the case study, which illustrates it with UML diagrams. The On-Line Learning Center includes resources for both instructors and students such as checklists, 700 categorized web references, Powerpoints, a test bank, and a software engineering library-containing over 500 software engineering papers.