This book contains three full-length verbal and quantitative practice tests to prepare students in grades 2 and 3 to take the Elementary School and College Ability Test (SCAT). SCAT is a multiple-choice, standardized test administered by the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) for school-age children in the second to twelfth grades. It is an above-grade level test that assesses math and verbal reasoning abilities among gifted children and assesses students at a higher grade level than the one they are in at the time the test is administered. Students in grades 2-3 take the Elementary SCAT designed at grades 4-5 level.
The two sections for testing math and verbal reasoning are each 22-minutes long separated by a 10-minutes break. There are 55 multiple-choice questions per section, 5 of which are experimental. The 2nd to 3rd grade SCAT verbal section assesses the student’s understanding of word definitions and consists of verbal reasoning analogy questions. In each question, students are presented with a pair of words that are related to each other in some way. They are then to select from the answer options a pair of words that shares the same relation. The 2nd to 3rd grade SCAT quantitative section assesses how well the student is able to work with numbers and consists of multiple-choice mathematical comparisons. Each question displays two quantities, of which the a student needs to choose the one with the greater value.