Our Sun is 26,000 light years away from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and when we consider the size of the Milky Way Galaxy and view the relative size of the planets, it puts the Earth into true perspective. However, it also magnifies Who, What or Which Presence or Force(s) was/were in the "Beginning", which is responsible for all the celestial bodies and all life of any kind in this, and/or any other universe. -- This book is really about one individual's faith that whoever, whatever or whichever was in the "Beginning" is of a Divine Nature, to which he has assigned the term "God". It is about a Divinity that transcends the limited God as discussed in Romans 1, which was made to resemble the "corruptible man", which displeased God and lead to unseemly punishment for humans. It is about faith in "God" of our, and every, universe. -- The author believed then, and more so now, that everything that happened was exactly as "God" wished it to be. He contends that events were used to encourage man to be innovative, curious, loving, caring, and also the opposites of all these characteristics and others, so that progress of civilization could be accomplished, which would lead to an, eventual, better human to populate the world of the future and, perhaps, to live in harmony with other life forms from other stellar bodies. The book is about a "God" that members of all religions could believe in, and which could be viewed, satisfactorily, even by some disbelievers. -- This is the author's second non-fiction work.