The Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP) is a framework for implementing culturally relevant literacy instruction and classroom observation. Drawing on research and theory reflecting a range of perspectives ─ multicultural instruction, literacy theory, equity pedagogy, language and discourse models, sheltered instruction, critical pedagogy ─ it provides a means for assessing the many variables of classroom literacy instruction and for guiding practitioners in their development as multicultural educators.
Literacy for All Students
Discusses issues in multicultural literacy instruction within the context of various essential instructional components (such as assessment, curriculum, parent collaboration)
Provides a protocol for observing features of literacy instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse students
Presents vignettes from real classrooms, written by elementary and middle school teachers, showing their victories and struggles as they attempt to implement a pedagogy that is culturally responsive within a climate of high stakes testing
A highly effective instrument for assessing culturally responsive literacy instruction in schools, the CRIOP serves as a model for realizing a literacy that is both relevant and transformative.